Welcome to the 167th DGN DCS Server running Dynamic Conflict, the dynamic PvE and PvP DCS campaign!
Your objectives: Attack and destroy enemy capture zones, defending your own zones. Earn team resources with unit kills, and use these resources to purchase ground attack forces. Build FOBs to enlarge your maximum resource pool, and destroy enemy FOBs to reduce theirs. Rescue downed pilots (CSAR) and build air defenses.
To capture a zone, all enemy forces must be eliminated. Whenever a zone is captured, friendly reinforcements will occupy the zone. Elimination of SAM sites via SEAD strikes and CAP support are key to being able to attack occupying ground forces. AI and human aircraft will attempt to prevent you from further pushing the frontline towards their main air base.
Each round lasts 8 hours. Capture zone status, constructed FOBs and team resources are persistent across server restarts. Player scores are persistent and kept for 12 months.

To play on our server, connect to 167dgn.duckdns.org or look for 167DGN on the ingame server list.

DCS Server: 167dgn.duckdns.org:10308
Discord Server

SRS Server: 167dgn.duckdns.org
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